Identical carbon isotope trends of carbonate and organic carbon and their environmental significance

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mysticlisten
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High resolution carbon isotope analyses of carbonate and organic carbon from Meishan, South China showed that the variation of δ13Ccarb is marked by three large positive excursions during the Changhsingian (end-Permian). Carbon isotope stratigraphy during this stage shows three cyclic intervals in δ13Ccarb, with two cycles corresponding to the lower (Paleofusulinid minima Zone) and one corresponding to the upper Changhsingian (P. sinensis Zone). The large positive δ13Ccarb excursions indicate episodes of enhanced burial of isotopically light or-ganic carbon, presumably in response to deep-water anoxia episodically extending into shallow water with the rise of sea level. The organic carbon during the Changhsingian is distinguished into two groups, and the δ13Corg of each group parallels (separately) the more detailed profile of δ13Ccarb, strongly showing that the values of fractionation Δ13Ccab-org remain relatively constant, with only two intervals with anomaly. The enhanced fractionation Δ13Ccab-org with large negative δ13Corg excursions apparently indicates significant inputs from sulfide-oxidizing bacteria and green sulfur bacteria, notably at bed 24 just predating mass extinction. Our evidence appears to support that the ex-tended euxinic water is possible for the main pulse of mass extinction at the end-Permian. High resolution carbon isotope analyzes of carbonate and organic carbon from Meishan, South China showed that the variation of δ13Ccarb is marked by three large positive excursions during the Changhsingian (end-Permian). Carbon isotope stratigraphy during this stage shows three cyclic intervals in δ13Ccarb, The large positive δ13Ccarb excursions indicate episodes of enhanced burial of isotopically light or-ganic carbon, presumably in response to deep- water anoxia episodically extending into shallow water with the rise of sea level. The organic carbon during the Changhsingian is distinguished into two groups, and the δ13Corg of each group parallels (separately) the more detailed profile of δ13Ccarb, strongly showing that the values ​​of fractionation Δ13Ccab-org still relatively constant, with only two intervals with anomaly. The enhanced frac tionation Δ13Ccab-org with large negative δ13Corg excursions apparently indicates significant inputs from sulfide-oxidizing bacteria and green sulfur bacteria, notably at bed 24 just predating mass extinction. Our evidence appears to support that the ex-tended euxinic water is possible for the main pulse of mass extinction at the end-Permian.
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