The direction of the exchange rate is the key factor that determines whether the exchange rate can adjust the trade imbalance. Based on the theory of producer equilibrium and the price elasticity of consumer demand, this paper analyzes the mechanism by which foreign exporter pricing power affects the direction of exchange rate transfer, and uses the stock adjustment model for empirical test. The results show that on the whole, the appreciation of the exchange rate will significantly reduce the import price and the exchange rate will be negative. Empirical results based on the SITC classification further show that when exporters have weak pricing power, they still support the typical conclusion that the direction of the exchange rate is negative. However, with the increase of the pricing power of exporters, the positive exchange rate has appeared. Therefore, the regulatory effect of exchange rate changes on the trade imbalances between different types of goods is quite different. Using exchange rate instruments blindly may aggravate the trade imbalance of some kinds of commodities.