Cervix pregnancy is rare, there is an increasing trend over the past decade. In successive reports, tubal pregnancy is second only to ectopic pregnancy. Amenorrhea and obstruction and other early pregnancy symptoms, followed by vaginal bleeding without abdominal pain. As an inevitable miscarriage, threatened abortion curettage generated like fountain-like bleeding, so curettage difficult, according to the above symptoms can be diagnosed. The uterus into a tumbler type, flat type and other special shape, probe probing, to a certain extent, can be aware of the difference between the length of the cervix and the length of the uterus, whereby the prognosis of the disease can be. If the mother should have no chance of surgery, the whole body of the uterus can save lives, such as young primipara, you can take conservative treatment. In order to diagnose cervical pregnancy, determination of the extent of lesions, cervical angiography (H-SG) is an advantageous method. Initial outpatient surgery in hospital out of pregnancy, the uterine cavity without content, pregnancy test negative, it is difficult to diagnose. At this point, HSG can cause bleeding, very dangerous. Cervical pregnancy when the vaginal section of the cervix is very soft, by