目的掌握佛山市无偿献血人群HIV感染情况,为制定本市血液安全策略及献血者招募提供参考依据。方法对2001~2013年在佛山市无偿献血的人群做HIV筛查(ELISA)及确认试验(蛋白印迹法),并对比分析其结果。结果 2001~2013年佛山市无偿献血人群HIV确证阳性率总体呈逐年递增态势(2001年为7.02/10万,2013年为21.74/10万)。筛查反应率0.25%(1 346/538 107);HIV确证阳性率13.01/10万(70/538 107),确证阳性符合率5.20%(70/1 346);不确定率1.04%(14/1 346)。确认阳性标本中,ELISA的S/CO高值比例>80%,中、低值比例均<10%;WB带型出现率为gp160:100%(70/70);gp120:100%(70/70);gp41:98.57%(69/70);p66:100%(70/70);p51:97.14%(68/70);p31:91.43%(64/70);p55:68.57%(48/70);p24:98.57%(69/70);p17:85.71%(60/70);p39:14.29%(10/70)。结论最近10多年来佛山市无偿献血者的HIV阳性率在逐年上升;HIV确认阳性献血者标本以ELISA高S/CO值及有8条以上WB带型结果为主。高危人士献血、检测方法及技术的局限对血液安全的威胁最大。
Objective To understand HIV infection in unpaid blood donors in Foshan and provide reference for formulating the city blood safety strategy and recruiting blood donors. Methods HIV screening (ELISA) and confirmatory test (Western blotting) were performed on the blood donors in Foshan from 2001 to 2013, and the results were compared and analyzed. Results The positive rate of HIV-positive in unpaid blood donors in Foshan from 2001 to 2013 showed an increasing trend year by year (7.02 / 100,000 in 2001 and 21.74 / 100,000 in 2013). The screening rate was 0.25% (1 346/538 107). The HIV positive rate was 13.01 / 100 000 (70/538 107) and the positive coincidence rate was 5.20% (70/1 346). The uncertainty rate was 1.04% (14 / 1 346). The positive rate of S / CO in ELISA was> 80%, and the ratio of middle and low value of ELISA was <10%. The occurrence rate of WB band was gp160: 100% (70/70) and gp120: 100% 70; p31: 91.43% (64/70); p55: 68.57% (48/70); p66: 100% (70/70) 70); p24: 98.57% (69/70); p17: 85.71% (60/70); p39: 14.29% (10/70). Conclusion The HIV positive rate of unpaid blood donors in Foshan City has been increasing year by year in recent 10 years. HIV-positive blood donors were mainly confirmed by ELISA high S / CO value and 8 or more WB banding results. Blood donation of high-risk groups, detection methods and technical limitations of the greatest threat to blood safety.