美国经济学会(American Economic As-sociation,简称AEA)创建于1885年,迄今已发展成为美国乃至世界上一个颇有影响的民间经济论坛组织。每年的一月初,诸多知名学者云集于此,就国内国际的一些热点问题进行广泛深入的探讨。AEA’96年会即第108届年会于1月4—7日在旧金山召开。本届年会与往届相比一个最大的不同就是涉及到国际金融、国际投资、国际贸易、国际经济合作、区域一体化、转轨经济的改革与增长等
Founded in 1885, the American Economic As-sociation (AEA) has so far developed into an influential informal economic forum organization in the United States and the world. At the beginning of January of each year, many famous scholars gathered here to conduct extensive and in-depth discussions on some hot issues at home and abroad. The 108th annual meeting of the AEA’96 Annual Meeting was held in San Francisco from January 4-7. One of the biggest differences between this annual conference and the previous one is related to the reform and growth of international finance, international investment, international trade, international economic cooperation, regional integration and transitional economy.