
来源 :解放军医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qinzhen
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支气管肺癌、淋巴肉瘤病人中发现血甲胎蛋白(AFP)增高者罕见,现将我们所遇2例报告如下。 例1 患者女性,62岁。因咳嗽1年,痰血、气促1个月入院。否认“肝炎”史。体检:无蜘蛛痣及肝掌,两锁骨上可触及黄豆大淋巴结多个,质硬,无压痛,固定。巩膜无黄染,右下肺实音,呼吸音消失,心无异 In patients with bronchial lung cancer and lymphosarcoma, it is rare to find elevated AFP levels. We now report two cases that we have encountered. Case 1 Female patient, 62 years old. Due to cough for 1 year, blood stasis and shortness of breath were admitted for one month. Denies the history of “hepatitis.” Physical examination: No spider mites and liver palms, two large clavicles of the soybean can be touched on the two clavicles, hard, no tenderness, and fixation. The sclera is yellow-stained, the right lung sounds, the breath sounds disappear, and the heart is no different