大麻(Cannabis sativa)的石油醚提取物,对妊娠完全期雌性大鼠50毫克/100克体重给药,探查致畸的可能性.结果表明大麻提取物在全部处理组的子代,能引起体重降低、阻碍生长和四肢畸形.从而证明大麻能使实验动物,包括小鼠、大鼠、
The petroleum ether extract of Cannabis sativa was administered to 50 mg / 100 g body weight of pregnant female rats to investigate the possibility of teratogenicity.The results showed that cannabis extract could cause weight loss in all offspring of treated groups Reduce, hinder the growth and limb deformities.Thus prove that cannabis can make experimental animals, including mice, rats,