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创办医院回报乡亲宜章是一个山区县,全县有52万人口,南与广东毗邻,是湖南的南大门。而岩泉镇是南大门的前哨。这一片土地,辖10个乡镇,有25万人口,号称“宜章半个县”。但当地群众一有重病就得赴宜章治。怎样方便群众就医,怎样解决老百姓的疾苦?2002年12月18日,由李国泰先生出资兴建的宜章国泰医院在宜章岩泉镇团结村正式开业,当地群众拍手称好。 The return of the founding of the hospital The villager Yizhang is a mountainous county with a population of 520,000 in the whole county and is adjacent to Guangdong in the south. It is the southern gate of Hunan. The town of Rock Spring is the outpost of the South Gate. This piece of land, which administers 10 townships and has a population of 250,000, is known as “Yizhang half county”. However, if the local people are seriously ill, they must go to Yizhang. How to facilitate the medical treatment of the people and how to solve the suffering of the people? On December 18, 2002, Yizhang Cathay Hospital, funded by Mr. Li Guotai, was formally opened in Tuanjie Village of Yiquan, Yichang, and the local people clashed.
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