Facial paralysis facial nerve paralysis, also known as Bell paralysis, refers to within the stylomastoid foramen and within the face of the inner ear facial nerve abrupt purulent inflammation, manifested as lateral paralysis of the disease lateralis. Often sudden onset, mostly unilateral. Beginning with the common ipsilateral ear, mild pain around the mastoid tenderness, facial lag, or burning sensation. Traditional Chinese medicine and more to expelling wind and cold, phlegm collaterals lead is scattered plus flavor, or impose acupuncture. I am in the daily clinic application of drugs, acupuncture, physical therapy combined with the treatment of three cases of facial paralysis were significantly effective, are described below. First, the general information: 12 cases, 9 males and 3 females, the oldest 41 years old, the youngest 20 years old. Clinically, the main performance of a facial paralysis, in which ipsilateral forehead disappeared, the main limitation of the eye closed in 4 cases, the nasolabial fold shallow, showing teeth skew,