致病性弧菌是引起胃肠炎和肠道外感染的重要病原。为了解潍坊市致病性弧菌的种类、分布及病原学特征 ,1992~ 2 0 0 0年对人粪便、水产品、食用鲜牛奶、虞河水等标本进行了致病性弧菌的调查。1 材料与方法1 1 标本来源 健康人粪便均采自健康查体的饮食从业人员及公共场所从
Pathogenic Vibrio is caused by gastroenteritis and an important pathogen of extraintestinal infections. In order to understand the species, distribution and pathogenic characteristics of pathogenic Vibrio in Weifang, from 1992 to 2000, the pathogenic Vibrio was investigated on human feces, aquatic products, fresh milk and Yuhe water. 1 Materials and Methods 1 1 specimens from healthy people excrement were collected from health check-up diet practitioners and public places from