今年是已故民革中央主席王昆仑诞辰一百周年。近一百年来中国社会发生了激烈地震荡和变化,中华民族在艰苦卓绝的奋斗中推翻了帝制,赶走了外国侵略者,建立起独立自主的人民共和国。这是中国历史上最悲壮、最辉煌的一页。而这一页是由中华民族最优秀的儿女们用鲜血和生命铸就的,其中也有我们的先辈王昆仑的贡献。让我们在革命历史的进程和事件中追寻我们老主席的足迹,缅怀他非凡的一生。 世纪伟人孙中山 亲自介绍他加入国民党 王昆仑(1902—1985)生长于清末民初的政治文化
This year is the centenary of the birthday of Wang Kunlun, chairman of the late Revolutionary Central Committee. In the past hundred years, the Chinese community has undergone intense fluctuations and changes. The Chinese nation overthrew the imperialism in arduous and arduous endeavors, driven off foreign invaders and established an independent people’s republic of China. This is the most tragic and brilliant page in Chinese history. This page is made of blood and life by the best Chinese sons and daughters, including the contribution of our predecessor, Wang Kunlun. Let us trace the footsteps of our old chairman in the course of revolutionary history and events and cherish his extraordinary life. Sun Yat-sen, great man of the century, personally introduced him to the political culture of Wang Kunlun (1902-1985), who grew up in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China