混合性中风是指脑内同一动脉供血区域或不同动脉供血区同时发生或短时间内相继发生的出血和梗死的两种新鲜病灶[1],既往诊断困难,随着计算机成像技术在神经影像学上的广泛应用,混合性中风发生率有增高趋势,国内报道混合性中风的发生率占脑血管病的比例在4.8% ̄10.6%[1],本文就我院1998年11月至2006年7月收治的混合性中风34例进行临床分析,报告如下。
Mixed stroke refers to two kinds of fresh lesions of the same arterial blood supply area or different arterial blood supply areas in the brain or the occurrence of hemorrhage and infarction which occur one after another in a short time [1]. The past diagnosis is difficult. With computer imaging technology in neuroimaging On the wide range of applications, the incidence of mixed stroke increased trend of the incidence of mixed stroke reported in China accounted for the proportion of cerebrovascular disease in 4.8% ~ 10.6% [1], this article in our hospital from November 1998 to 2006 7 34 cases of mixed stroke admitted to clinical analysis, the report is as follows.