泰国被称为尔方的“底特律”,这个国家之所以能发展成东南亚地区的汽车工业基地,主要在于当地的汽车零部件业非常发达。尽管在亚洲金融危机中,泰国境内近半数的零部件供应商被迫停产或转让,但仍有近700家支撑了下来。 向泰国境内的整车装配厂供货的零部件供应商中,90%左右都是日本、美国或欧洲零部件公司的合资或独资公
Thailand is known as the “Detroit” of the German side. The reason why this country can develop into a car industry base in Southeast Asia is that the local auto parts industry is very developed. Although nearly half of the parts suppliers in Thailand were forced to suspend production or transfer during the Asian financial crisis, nearly 700 companies still supported it. About 90% of parts suppliers supplying vehicle assembly plants in Thailand are joint ventures or sole proprietorships of Japanese, US or European parts companies.