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笔者近期对今年考题进行了仔细梳理,发现一个值得注意的现象:命题领域研究的热点问题与当年的考题存在一定的相关性。材料题是目前高考试题的重要题型,其发展大致可分为四个阶段:1989-1991年,材料分析题出现,并初步渗入选择题和问答题;1992-1999年,材料分析题成为三大题型之一;2000-2006年,注意运用新材料创设问题情境;2007年材料题成为主打题型,在广东卷和上海卷中,问答题丧失了独立题型的资格。通过史料中介,再现、感知、认识逝去的昨天,是历史认知的突出特点,正因为如此,材料题在命题发展过程中越来越受到重视。与之相应,近年来对材料题的可靠性、有效性及历史知识的真正意义等问题展开了热烈的讨论,而讨论的成果在高考试题中有比较明显的体现,下面试举二例说明。 The author recently carefully reviewed this year’s exam questions and found a noteworthy phenomenon: the hot issues in the propositional field study have a certain relevance with the exam questions of the year. The material question is an important question type for the current high test questions. Its development can be roughly divided into four phases: From 1989 to 1991, material analysis questions appeared, and initially penetrated into multiple-choice questions and essay questions; from 1992 to 1999, material analysis questions became three. One of the major questions; from 2000 to 2006, attention was paid to the use of new materials to create problem situations; in 2007 the material question became the main question type, and in the Guangdong and Shanghai volumes, the quiz questions lost the qualification for independent questions. The use of historical mediators to reproduce, perceive, and recognize the passing of yesterday is a prominent feature of historical cognition. Because of this, material questions have gained more and more attention in the development of propositions. Correspondingly, in recent years, heated discussions have been held on issues such as the reliability, validity of the material issues and the true meaning of historical knowledge. The results of the discussions have been clearly expressed in the examination questions. The following two examples are given.
题 目作 者 期 -页     题 目作 者 期 -页综合述评建筑的可持续发展与对策胡其高  1- 5 1…………………光纤传感智能混凝土的研究与现状巴恒静 ,等  4- 45……
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