1999年永嘉县农业局与金华市赛庐园艺种苗经营部合作在永嘉县茗岙乡徐岙村引种试验了台湾农友种苗有限公司的 4个小西瓜品种 ,面积达 130 0 0m2(米2 ) ,均获得成功。每 667m2 (亩 )平均产量 180 0kg(公斤 ) ,产值 540 0元 ,现将试验结果总结如下。1 引试品种引种试验品种
In 1999, Yongjia County Bureau of Agriculture and the Department of Cereal Gardening and Seedling Sales Department of Jinhua City in Yongjia County Mingxu Township, Xu Qiu Village introduced test Taiwan farmers seedlings Limited 4 small watermelon varieties, an area of 130 0m2 (rice 2), all succeeded. Per 667m2 (mu) average output of 180 0kg (kg), the output value of 540 0 yuan, the test results are summarized below. A variety of test varieties introduced test