Patient summary Male, 36 years old, dizzy, hemoptysis for 3 days in January 30, 1984 admission. Repeated fever since February 1980, joint pain, ESR faster, protein electrophoresis gamma globulin increased. After one after another have found no pulse, usually cold, cough. 3 to 4 months before admission bloody sputum repeatedly, with fatigue, weakness, night sweats, darkness. Physical examination: both hands radial artery disappeared, blood pressure was not measured in both upper extremities, two lower extremity blood pressure 140/80 ~ 90, two neck can be heard above the blood vessels and grade Ⅱ murmur, tricuspid valve area above grade Ⅱ systolic murmur, leukocytes 10,500, ESR 60mm, γ-globulin 27%, normal range of immunoglobulin, immunocomplex positive (PEG method), anti-nuclear antibody negative, chest X-ray showed bronchial lesions of both lungs infection. After admission corticosteroids, immunosuppressive agents, to stop bleeding