利用千河千阳水文站 195 7~ 1993年的水沙资料 ,依据冯家山水库的运用模式 ,建立了冯家山水库淤积数学模型。在数学模型计算得到水位 -库容关系的基础上 ,对不同频率的洪水进行了不同淤积年限库容的调洪计算 ,得到了 2 0 30年各需水部门的供水调度结果。结果表明 ,每年向宝鸡市供水 6 0 0 0万 m3,向宝鸡第二发电厂供水 4 0 0 0万 m3,供水保证率为 97.3% ,满足设计标准 97%的要求 ;多年平均供农业灌溉用水 14 910万 m3,供水保证率为 5 9.5 % ,超过设计要求的 5 0 % ;向羊毛湾水库供水 30 0 0万 m3,供水保证率为 6 2 .2 %。
According to the water and sediment data of 1000 Qianyang Hydrological Station from1973 to 1993 and according to the operation mode of Fengjiashan Reservoir, the mathematical model of Fengjishan reservoir sedimentation was established. On the basis of the mathematical model to calculate the relationship between water level and storage capacity, the flood control of different frequency of flood storage with different siltation years was carried out, and the result of water supply dispatch of each water supply department was obtained in 30 years. The results show that the annual water supply to Baoji is 60 million m3, the water supply to Baoji No.2 Power Plant is 40 million m3, and the water supply guarantee rate is 97.3%, meeting the design standard of 97%. The average water supply for agricultural irrigation 149.15 million m3, the water supply guarantee rate was 9.55%, exceeding 50% of the design requirements. The water supply to the wool bay reservoir was 30 million m3 and the water supply guarantee rate was 62.2%.