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  After months of guesses and rumors, it has finally been confirmed that an anime adaption of Hakuouki: Shinsengumi Kitan will arrive in April. The title was originally developed by Idea Factory for Sony’s PlayStation 2 in 2008. Gaining huge success, the game extended its territory[领土] to PlayStation Portable in 2009 and Nintendo’s DS in 2010.
  Chizuru Yukimura goes to Kyoto looking for her father. On her way, she witnesses a fight between an oni (demon) and the Shinsengumi. Taking her into custody[拘留], the Shinsengumi debate on what to do with Chizuru until they discover that she is the daughter of the doctor they are also looking for. They
  decide to become her protectors and help the girl to find her father. While the conflict between the Shinsengumi and the
  Bakumatsu Group becomes more and more severe, mysterious secrets about oni and Chizuru are gradually unveiled[显露]…
  The story is loosely based upon historical facts about the Shinsengumi, the famous special police force which supported the dying Tokugawa shogunate. After Japan opened up to the West in 1853, its political situation became
  chaotic[混乱的], and the country was divided along lines of
  political opinion. Loyalists[忠诚分子] to the emperor began to commit acts of murder and violence in Kyoto. In 1863, hoping
  to resist this trend, the Roshigumi, a group of 234 masterless
  samurai, was formed, later becoming the Shinsengumi.
  At its peak, the Shinsengumi had about 300 members. They were the first samurai group of the Tokugawa Era to allow those from non-samurai classes like farmers and merchants to join in. Extremely strict rules – known as the code of the Shinsengumi
  Regulations[规章] – were carried out in the group to reflect
  bushido[武士道] ideals. These rules were a major reason why they rose to be such a strong, feared force at the time.
  Although the Shinsengumi were on stage for brief six years – the death of the its Vice Commander, Toshizo Hijikata on June 20th, 1869 is generally seen as the end of the group – they remain one of the most mentioned historical sources in Japan today, with dozens of films, TV dramas, novels, and anime dedicated to[献给] these tragic heroes. And it’s not hard to understand why. For many, the end of the group marked the end of an era: there used to be a time when life was hard but simple, and people would willingly fight and even die for what they believed in.
  The story is sad but beautiful, the art is neat, and the cast is all-star – there’s just no reason to miss such a hit. However, there are doubts among Hakuouki fans as
  game-based anime seldom does the title justice[充分发挥水平]. Well, it’s the Shinsengumi after all. Let’s keep our fingers crossed[祈祷] that the upcoming April will not fail us!
很多人都知道今年是肖邦诞辰200周年,其实今年也是另一位同样以创作钢琴曲闻名的音乐家——舒曼(1810 -1856)诞辰200周年。这位生性敏感、勇于创新的德国音乐家是浪漫主义音乐成熟时期的代表人物之一。  舒曼的代表作包括钢琴曲《狂欢节》、《交响练习曲》和《童年即景》等,这些乐曲引领了浪漫主义音乐风格的进一步发展。而声乐套曲《诗人之恋》、管弦乐作品《曼弗雷德序曲》同样是不可多得的古典杰作。   
Serena Williams serves the ball even faster than Andre Agassi on some days. But Shaquille O’Neal dunks[扣篮] the ball better than anyone from the WNBA注1   ever could. So who are better athletes—guys or
I can be tough  I can be strong  But with you  It’s not like that at all  There’s a girl  That gives a shit[不太在乎]  Behind this wall  You just walk through it    And I remember  *All those crazy things
1. BASE Jumping (sometimes written as B.A.S.E. jumping): BASE stands for Buildings, Antennae[天线], Spans[桥墩之间的一段桥梁] (bridges) and Earth (cliffs)—these being the fixed objects that masters of this incre
Hollywood has taken an unusually 1)reserved 2)approach to the earthquake and 3)tsunami in Japan, but 4)analysts say they don’t expect this to be 5)permanent.  A week after the earthquake, Warner Bros.
妈妈,我知道你担心我,但还是放手让我自己出去闯荡。妈妈,感谢你对我的信任。    My mother always reminds me that on the first day of kindergarten, while other kids were crying for their moms not to go, I was telling her to leave already. S
历史上曾经出现了多次海难事件,最广为人知的无疑是泰坦尼克号海难。这艘号称“永不沉没”的远洋客轮在1912年的处女航行中撞上了冰山,在短短几小时内沉没于北大西洋,造成1500人罹难。其残骸于1985年被发现。二十几年过去了,这座海底坟墓如今有什么变化呢?让我们跟随当年发现残骸的科学家们重访这艘富有传奇色彩的巨轮。    听力小提示:本文生词较多,只适合作为泛听材料使用。建议先听一遍声音,记下听到的信
在众多埃及木乃伊中,最有名的莫过于图坦卡蒙的木乃伊。图坦卡蒙为现代人广为熟知是因为他的坟墓在三千年的时间内从未被盗,直到1922年才被英国人霍华德·卡特(Howard Carter)发现,挖掘出大量珍宝,震惊了西方世界。当然还有那个被媒体过分渲染的“法老的诅咒”。  为了从科学的角度全面了解图坦卡蒙,我们请来埃及著名考古学家、埃及最高文物委员会主席扎希·哈瓦斯给我们讲解这位神秘君王的故事。(CE:
Host: Okay, so maybe there was a day when you looked at the person hosting that TV game show or reality program and thought to yourself, “Gee[表惊奇], I could do that.” Maybe you’ve had the same thought
If you want to improve your English, there are a lot of fantastic resources to help you. Read on to find just some of the ways in which you can become fluent[流利的] in English.  如果你想提高自己的英语水平,其实有许多极好的资源