Few reports have been reported on the direct determination of soil degradation caused by intensive tillage erosion. Our goal is to determine the potential of using 137Cs and 210Pbex to directly and quantitatively assess the effects of tillage erosion on soil organic matter (SOM) slope transport. We carried out 50 plows on the steep slopes of the Loess Plateau and compared the other steep arable land with the other one. At different slope positions of the control slope, 137Cs concentrations were evenly distributed in the upper 0 ~ 30cm soil layer, while the 210Pbex concentration linearly decreased with the soil depth increasing in the upper part of the slope and the middle slope, exponentially decreasing in the lower slope. Soil organic matter content in 0 ~ 30cm soil layer was significantly greater than that in soil below 30cm depth, and the distribution of soil profile similar to 210Pbex appeared in the middle slope and lower slope. Compared with the control slopes, 50 times of plowing led to a decrease of SOM content by 38% and 47% in the upper part of the slope and the middle part of the slope from 0-45cm, respectively, and an increase of 18% in the SOM content of the 0-100cm layer in the lower part of the slope. The weighted average of 137Cs concentrations in the topsoil profile decreased from 1.48Bq / kg to 0.29Bq / kg, from 2.53Bq / kg to 0.33Bq / kg in the middle slope and from 1.48Bq / kg to 2.81Bq / kg in the bottom of the slope . The weighted average of the 210Pbex concentrations decreases from 27.71 Bq / kg to 6.15 Bq / kg in the upper part of the slope and from 35.46 Bq / kg and 25.53 Bq / kg to 1.57 Bq / kg and 19.40 Bq / kg in the mid-slope and lower part of the slope respectively . The cross sections of 137Cs and 210Pbex were significantly correlated with SOM at p <0.001. The correlation coefficient R2 was 0.81 ~ 0.86 in the control slope and 0.86 ~ 0.91 in the plowing experiment. The experimental results show that the environmental radionuclides 137Cs and 210Pbex in yellow