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1996年6月23—27日由香港科技大学召开了首届亚洲光化学讨论会,有二十多个国家和地区的150多人参加会议。诺贝尔奖获得者李远哲教授在题为“Dynamics of photo dissocia-tion of polyatomic molecules by translational spectroscopy”的主题报告中,主要讲了用激光束对多原子分子进行光解离的动力学,非常精彩。大会主要内容有:有机光化学,物理光化学,无机光化学,激光光物理和化学,激光光烧蚀,新材料的光化学等。我国向大会提交论文约40篇。特别是以李远哲先生为代表的激光束光化学研究在世界上处于领先地位,有机光化学、物理光化学、无机光化学、在世界上也处于前列,材料光化学在亚洲也开始发展起来。会议集中讨论的领域在物理光化学和激光束光化学,从事有机光化学特别是合成光化学研究的人逐渐减少。另一方面,材料光化学是一个新的研究领域和发展点,是今后大力发展研究的方向。固态光化学特别是用于手性分子合成方面是近年来世界上科学家所关注的焦点。 June 23-27, 1996 The first Asia Photochemistry Symposium was held by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. More than 150 participants from over 20 countries and regions attended the conference. In a keynote speech entitled “Dynamics of photo dissociation-based polyatomic molecules by translational spectroscopy,” Prof. 李远哲 Nobel laureate mainly talked about the kinetics of photolysis of polyatomic molecules with laser beams. wonderful. The main contents of the conference include: organic photochemistry, physical photochemistry, inorganic photochemistry, laser physics and chemistry, laser ablation, photochemistry of new materials. China submitted about 40 papers to the conference. In particular, the research on laser photochemistry, represented by Mr. Li Yuanzhe, is a leader in the world. Organic photochemistry, physical photochemistry and inorganic photochemistry are also in the forefront of the world. Material photochemistry has also started to develop in Asia. The conference focused on the field of physical photochemistry and laser beam photochemistry, engaged in organic photochemistry, especially synthetic photochemical studies of people gradually reduced. On the other hand, material photochemistry is a new research field and development point, and it is the direction of vigorous development of research in the future. Solid-state photochemistry, especially for the synthesis of chiral molecules, has attracted the attention of scientists in the world in recent years.
不多几年以前,盖洛普(George Gallup)对联邦政府的计划进行了一次民意测验。在测验题中对外援助是最后一项。如果公众的意见是正确的话,那末今天一个同样的民意测验将得到同
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