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《21世纪资本论》作者:[法]托马斯·皮凯蒂著出版社:中信出版社出版时间:2014-09作者对过去300年来欧美国家的财富收入做了详尽探究,通过大量的历史数据分析,证明近几十年来,不平等现象会变得更加严重,人类正在向“世袭资本主义”回归。在全球经济金融体系从危机中逐步喘定之际,托马斯·皮凯蒂的《21世纪资本论》迅速引起了广泛的关注和讨论。一本数百页的经济学著作,不仅持续在欧美主要的网络书店畅销,而且从我在纽约看到的情况,这本书还被迅速摆上了机场书店以及街头巷尾的大小书店。甚至有人调侃说,现在在曼哈顿吸引进步青年的做派之一就是随手带着一本《21世纪资本论》。托马斯·皮凯蒂在伦敦 “Capital in the 21st Century” Author: [France] Thomas Pi Kaidi Press: CITIC Publishing House Publication date: 2014-09 income of wealth United States and Europe over the past 300 years has done a detailed inquiry, through a lot of historical data analysis , Proving that inequality will worsen in recent decades and that mankind is returning to “hereditary capitalism.” As the global economic and financial system gradually escalated from the crisis, Thomas Picatty’s Capitalism in the 21st Century quickly attracted wide attention and discussion. A book of hundreds of pages of economics not only continues to sell well in major online bookstores in Europe and the United States, but from what I saw in New York City, the book was quickly put up at the airport bookstore and bookstores around the city. Someone even joked that one of the best ways to attract progressive youth in Manhattan is to bring with it a “Capitalism of the 21st Century.” Thomas Piccate in London