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去年10月份,我怀着跃跃试的心情参加了由贵刊举办有奖征文活动。此后,我惊喜收到了获奖证书。我的父母、师及同学们都为我的成功感高兴。但我明白,如果没有我英语老师龙静的支持、修改和极推荐,我也就不可能获奖。我是一名高中理科班的学,学习任务较重。但自从去年我认识了《英语沙龙》后,就成她的忠实读者。每逢周末,我愿少看电视,也要挤出时间来读她。《英语沙龙》已成为我生 In October of last year, I participated in the essay contest organized by your magazine with the leaping test. Since then, I was surprised to receive the certificate of award. My parents, teachers and classmates are all happy with my success. But I understand that if I don’t have the support, modification, and highly recommended by my English teacher Long Jing, I won’t be able to win. I am a high school science class student and have a heavy learning task. However, since I met “English Salon” last year, she became her loyal reader. On weekends, I would like to watch less television and also have time to read her. English Salon has become my life
1981年8月 C 先生为他的商店向 P 公司续投了保险。随后,他又向联合保险公司购买了同样的保险。当联合保险公司的代理人 D 先生得知C先生打算要求 P 公司退回已付的保费时,
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芸芸众生之中,能放弃安逸的生活,努力创造属于自己事业的人,往往大多走向了成功。显然,从法官到创业者的身份转换,王忠连已经迈出了成功的第一步。随后,凭着独到的眼光,超凡的思维,他游刃于商海,一次又一次创造了商界的奇迹。在称道的同时,我们不得不佩服他脱俗的策划魅力!     放弃是为了得到更大收获    37岁的王忠连,是士生土长的东北人。或许是当地人豪爽的个性使然,记者与他的谈话显得特别轻松,他爽朗
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DEFINITION 定义1.An inhibition or neurotic,unnatural,or unreasonable reaction to somelife-situation 对生活中某些情况的成见或神经过敏的、不正常的过度反应。 DEF
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A Colleague 1 whom 1 worked姐one ofsouth Afd七‘,snewspapers afterfollowing 2 a partieularl夕longperi叱叔time a partieularly ineompetent lawyer3 lost ea吕e aft
Widely considered one of the finestwatercolor painters in America today,Stephen Scott Young was born in Honolulu in 1958 and studied in Florida,graduating from
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