
来源 :小樱桃(好少年) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abcz123789
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在动物们居住的森林里只有一条羊肠小道。这条小道年久失修,坑坑洼洼,非常难走。前段日子,一块大石头从山崖上滚落下来,几乎把整条小路都给堵住了,绊倒不少从这里经过的动物。兔子知道以后,心想:这么大的石头堵在路中央,既影响大家通行又不安全,必须把它搬掉才行!然而石头太大,兔子的力气太小,就算他使出吃奶的力气也没有挪动石头一寸。就在兔子累得气喘吁吁的时候,大灰狼从这里经过。兔子连忙叫住他说:“大灰狼,你力气大,能麻烦你帮我把这个石头搬开吗?” There is only one trail in the animals’ forests. This trail is a long time disrepair, bumpy, very difficult to go. A few days ago, a large rock rolled down from the cliff, almost the entire path to block, tripping a lot of animals passed from here. After the rabbit knew, I thought: With such a large block of stone in the middle of the road, it will not only affect everyone’s access but also be unsafe and must be removed. However, if the stone is too big and the rabbit’s strength is too small, Strength did not move the stone inch. Just as the rabbit was breathless, the wolf passed by. The rabbit quickly stopped him and said: “The wolf, you have great strength, can you help me to get the stone away?”
【案情】2003年起,加拿大艺术家联盟(Canadian Artists’Representation/Front des artistes canadiens,以下简称CA R FAC)联合魁北克视觉艺术家联盟(Regroupement des artis
小猴的水果店里有很多种水果。请你说说,哪种水果数量最多,哪两种水果数量一样多。 Monkey’s fruit shop there are many kinds of fruit. Please tell us what kind of fr
The seepage theory was used to explain the variation between the specific resistance of the carbon fiber reinforced cement concrete and the carbon fiber volume