作者应用支气管镜下CO_2激光(BCL)治疗14例6月至7岁婴幼儿气管支气管病变(TBP),认为此技术具有准确、安全而有效的一种新疗法。应用CO_2激光器(laser sonics 250Z)可发射连续波和脉冲波,常用照射功率为6~8 W,光斑为0.8~3.5mm,配套支气管镜有三管道(激光光纤和喷氮、照明、排烟尘及换气)。多用静脉麻醉。激光应用时注意眼和暴露皮肤的防护。结果评价基于听诊、X线表现、术后4~6周用支气管镜检查、同位素扫描和肺功能测定。BCL应用的适应症与效果:①创伤性肉芽肿5例治疗后临床和X线表现均恢复正常,随访3月无复发。此组中支气
The authors apply bronchoscopic CO_2 laser (BCL) treatment of 14 cases of infantile tracheal bronchial lesions (TBP) between June and 7 years old, that this technology has a accurate, safe and effective a new therapy. The laser sonics 250Z can emit continuous wave and pulse wave. The common irradiation power is 6 ~ 8 W, the light spot is 0.8 ~ 3.5mm, and the bronchoscope has three tubes (laser fiber and nitrogen, lighting, exhaust dust and change gas). More intravenous anesthesia. Be careful of eye and exposed skin protection during laser application. Results The evaluation was based on auscultation and X-ray findings. Bronchoscopy, isotope scanning and pulmonary function tests were performed 4 to 6 weeks after surgery. BCL application of indications and effects: ① traumatic granuloma in 5 cases of clinical and X-ray findings were returned to normal, no follow-up in March recurrence. This group of bronchi