宣汉,这片红色的热土上,以革命前辈王维舟将军为代表的红三十三军,在中国革命的历史舞台上曾演绎了一幕幕精彩纷呈的英雄活剧。 当车轮驶入十九世纪八十年代中叶,又一支寓兵于民的新军——预备役某团,踏着先烈的足迹,用青春热血书写着为国为民的新篇章。风雨春秋15载,他们在出色完成战备训练任务的同时,勇于承担急难险重任务。荣誉室20多面鲜亮的奖旗奖牌,是总部、两级军区和地方各级党委政府对他们的褒扬和肯定。
On the history of the Chinese revolution, Xuanhan, on the red land, the Red Army, represented by General Wang Weizhou, a revolutionary predecessor, performed a brilliant lively heroic scene. As the wheel drove into the mid-1980s, another new army, a reserve army unit, marched in the footsteps of the martyrs and wrote a new chapter in the national blood for the country with a passionate youth. In the spring and autumn 15, they have the courage to assume the tasks of emergency and danger while completing their combat readiness training tasks. Honor room more than 20 bright flag medal, is the headquarters, two military regions and local party committees and governments at all levels praised them and affirmed.