特斯拉的做法与传统电动车目标相反,选择进入高端消费者市场,颠覆了电动汽车过去是低价、低性能的怪圈。2003年,硅谷工程师、创业家马丁·艾伯哈德(Martin Eberhard)与其商业伙伴马克·塔彭宁(Marc Tarpenning)合伙成立了特斯拉汽车公司(Tesla Motors)。艾伯哈德决定用一种类似于半导体行业“无工厂模式”的另类方式来打造电动汽车。特斯拉公司一方面从电动汽车先驱艾尔·科科尼创办的技术型公司AC Propulsion获取了电动汽车的技术方案,另一方面利用一家现有的汽车制造商(英国莲花Elise)来完成电动汽车的制造流程,从而实现造车的低成本、短周期、高可靠性。之后,已功成
Tesla’s approach is contrary to the traditional electric vehicle target, choose to enter the high-end consumer market, subvert the electric car in the past is a low-cost, low-performance cycle. In 2003, Silicon Valley engineer and entrepreneur Martin Eberhard formed Tesla Motors in partnership with its business partner, Marc Tarpenning. Eberhard decided to create an electric car in an alternative way similar to the semiconductor industry “without a factory model.” On the one hand, Tesla acquired the technical solution for electric vehicles from AC Propulsion, a technology company founded by electric car pioneer El Cocony and on the other hand with an existing car manufacturer (Elise, UK) Car manufacturing process, so as to realize the low cost, short cycle and high reliability of repairers. After that, has become a success