倒伏是影响小麦高产的主要障碍因素之一,倒伏一般减产10%—30%,重者可达50%以上。实践证明,应用植物生长调节剂对小麦进行化控,防止倒伏效果良好。现将几种效果突出的化控方法介绍如下: 1.喷施多效唑 在小麦返青期至起身期,亩用15%多效唑可湿性粉剂40—50克,对水30—40公斤均匀喷施,可抑制基部1—3节节间伸长,降低株高,使茎秆粗壮、韧性增强,提高抗倒伏能力,并能有效减轻白粉病的发生程度。
Lodging is one of the main obstacles affecting wheat high yield, lodging generally reduce 10% -30%, in severe cases up to 50%. Practice has proved that the application of plant growth regulators on the chemical control of wheat to prevent lodging effect is good. Now several prominent methods of chemical control are described as follows: 1. Spray paclobutrazol in wheat turning green period to get up, mu with 15% paclobutrazol wettable powder 40-50 grams, spraying 30-40 kg of water evenly, may Inhibit the base of the 1-3 section between the elongation, reducing plant height, stalk sturdy, increased toughness, improve lodging resistance, and can effectively reduce the occurrence of powdery mildew.