对德国浪漫主义文论而言 ,一个非常重要的人物是席勒 (FriedrichSchiller ,175 9— 180 5 )。韦勒克的《近代文学批评史》将他归在“古典主义时代” ,但实际上可以说他是站在古典主义和浪漫主义之间的文论家 ,他的理论是德国浪漫主义文论的前因和源头。席勒最
A very important figure for German romanticism is Schiller (Friedrich Schiller, 175 9- 180 5). Wellek’s “History of Modern Literary Criticism” put him in the “classic era”, but in fact he can be said to be standing between classicalism and romantic literary theorists, his theory is the German romantic theory The cause and source. Schiller most