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  “Very well, then,” answered Caspian, “we relieve you of your office. My Lord Bern, come here.” And before Gumpas quite realized what was happening, Bern was kneeling with his hands between the King’s hands and taking the oath to govern the Lone Islands in accordance with the old customs, rights, usages and laws of Narnia. And Caspian said, “I think we have had enough of governors,” and made Bern a Duke, the Duke of the Lone Islands.
  “As for you, my Lord,” he said to Gumpas, “I forgive you your debt for the tribute. But before noon tomorrow you and yours must be out of the castle, which is now the Duke’s residence.”
  “Look here, this is all very well,” said one of Gumpas’s secretaries, “but suppose all you gentlemen stop playacting and we do a little business. The question before us really is—”
  “The question is,” said the Duke, “whether you and the rest of the rabble will leave without a flogging or with one. You may choose which you prefer.”
  When all this had been pleasantly settled, Caspian ordered horses, of which there were a few in the castle, though very ill-groomed and he, with Bern and Drinian and a few others, rode out into the town and made for the slave market. It was a long low building near the harbour and the scene which they found going on inside was very much like any other auction; that is to say, there was a great crowd and Pug, on a platform, was roaring out in a raucous voice:
  “Now, gentlemen, lot twenty-three. Fine Terebinthian agricultural labourer, suitable for the mines or the galleys. Under twenty-five years of age. Not a bad tooth in his head. Good, brawny fellow. Take off his shirt, Tacks, and let the gentlemen see. There’s muscle for you! Look at the chest on him. Ten crescents from the gentleman in the corner. You must be joking, sir. Fifteen! Eighteen! Eighteen is bidden for lot twenty-three. Any advance on eighteen? Twenty-one. Thank you, sir. Twenty-one is bidden—”   “先生们,先生们!下一个拍卖品,第二十三号。啊,这是特里宾希亚的农夫,身体强壮,非常适合下矿或者上船干活儿。还不到二十五岁呢。再看看他的牙口,看起来不坏吧?真有一把好力气啊。塔克斯,把他的上衣脱掉,让各位先生看看他的身板儿。这一身肌肉能给您卖不少力气呢!看看他胸脯上的腱子肉。好,那边角落里的先生出价了,十个新月币。唉,先生,您是在开玩笑吧?好,十五!十八!第二十三号出价十八个新月币。还有人出更高的价吗?哦,二十一!谢谢您,先生!第二十三号出价二十一个新……”
  But Pug stopped and gaped when he saw the mail-clad figures who had clanked up to the platform.
  “On your knees, every man of you, to the King of Narnia,” said the Duke. Everyone heard the horses jingling and stamping outside and many had heard some rumour of the landing and the events at the castle. Most obeyed. Those who did not were pulled down by their neighbours. Some cheered.
  “Your life is forfeit, Pug, for laying hands on our royal person yesterday,” said Caspian. “But your ignorance is pardoned. The slave trade was forbidden in all our dominions quarter of an hour ago. I declare every slave in this market free.”
  He held up his hand to check the cheering of the slaves and went on, “Where are my friends?”
  “That dear little gel and the nice young gentleman?” said Pug with an ingratiating smile. “Why, they were snapped up at once—”
  “We’re here, we’re here, Caspian,” cried Lucy and Edmund together and, “At your service, Sire,” piped Reepicheep from another corner. They had all been sold but the men who had bought them were staying to bid for other slaves and so they had not yet been taken away. The crowd parted to let the three of them out and there was great handclasp and greeting between them and Caspian. Two merchants of Calormen at once approached. The Calormen have dark faces and long beards. They wear flowing robes and orange-coloured turbans, and they are a wise, wealthy, courteous, cruel and ancient people. They bowed most politely to Caspian and paid him long compliments, all about the fountains of prosperity irrigating the gardens of prudence and virtue—and things like that—but of course what they wanted was the money they had paid.
  “凯斯宾,我们在这儿,我们在这儿!”露茜和爱德蒙一起喊道。市场内的另一个角落里还传来另一个声音:“我的陛下,听您差遣。”啊,这是雷佩契普。他们确实已经被人买走了,只不过买他们的人还想买更多的奴隶,所以他们还没有被带走。民众让开一条路,让三人走上前来。他们的手和凯斯宾紧紧地握在一起,相互致意。而两名卡罗门商人趁机走了过来。卡罗门人有着黑黑的脸庞,喜欢留长长的胡子。他们总是穿着飘逸的长袍,头上裹一块橘红色的头巾。这是一个古老的民族,他们兼有智慧和财富,为人彬彬有礼,同时也残酷无情。他们向凯斯宾深深地鞠躬行礼,口中长篇大套地说着一篇颂扬国王洪恩的祝词。其内容无非就是把国王的恩泽比喻为财富的源泉,浇灌着审慎与美德的花园一类的。但其实他们真心希望的,是想要回他们购买露茜等人所花的钱。   “That is only fair, sirs,” said Caspian. “Every man who has bought a slave today must have his money back. Pug, bring out your takings to the last minim.” (A minim is the fortieth part of a crescent.)
  “Does your good Majesty mean to beggar me?” whined Pug.
  “You have lived on broken hearts all your life,” said Caspian, “and if you are beggared, it is better to be a beggar than a slave. But where is my other friend?”
  “Oh him?” said Pug. “Oh take him and welcome. Glad to have him off my hands. I’ve never seen such a drug in the market in all my born days. Priced him at five crescents in the end and even so nobody’d have him. Threw him in free with other lots and still no one would have him. Wouldn’t touch him. Wouldn’t look at him. Packs, bring out Sulky.”
  Thus Eustace was produced, and sulky he certainly looked; for though no one would want to be sold as a slave, it is perhaps even more galling to be a sort of utility slave whom no one will buy. He walked up to Caspian and said, “I see. As usual. Been enjoying yourself somewhere while the rest of us were prisoners. I suppose you haven’t even found out about the British Consul. Of course not.”
  That night they had a great feast in the castle of Narrowhaven and then, “Tomorrow for the beginning of our real adventures!” said Reepicheep when he had made his bows to everyone and went to bed. But it could not really be tomorrow or anything like it. For now they were preparing to leave all known lands and seas behind them and the fullest preparations had to be made. The Dawn Treader was emptied and drawn on land by eight horses over rollers and every bit of her was gone over by the most skilled shipwrights. Then she was launched again and victualled and watered as full as she could hold—that is to say for twenty-eight days. Even this, as Edmund noticed with disappointment, only gave them a fortnight’s eastward sailing before they had to abandon their quest.   那天晚上,大家在窄港的总督城堡里举行了一个盛大的宴会。雷佩契普在晚上就寝以前,对每一个人都弯腰鞠躬,口中念念有詞地说:“明天我们的探险将真正开始!”不过实际上,明天或者此后的几天,恐怕他们还没法立马就再次上路。因为从孤岛群岛开始,他们将进入此前从未涉足过的陆地和海洋,对此他们得做好万全的准备才行。大家首先清空了黎明踏浪号装载的全部物资。人们利用滑轮,用八匹马把船给拖上了海岸。船身上的每一处伤痕都由最有经验的造船师傅给修补好了。之后再把船放回水里,装上粮食和淡水。船上能放多少就放多少——或者更准确地说,黎明踏浪号总的粮食和淡水储备够全船的人用上二十八天。即便如此,爱德蒙还是非常失望地意识到,这样的补给储备最多只能供他们向东航行两周。两周之后,他们就得放弃前行,掉头返航。
  While all this was being done Caspian missed no chance of questioning all the oldest sea captains whom he could find in Narrowhaven to learn if they had any knowledge or even any rumours of land further to the east. He poured out many a flagon of the castle ale to weather-beaten men with short grey beards and clear blue eyes, and many a tall yarn he heard in return. But those who seemed the most truthful could tell of no lands beyond the Lone Islands, and many thought that if you sailed too far east you would come into the surges of a sea without lands that swirled perpetually round the rim of the world—“And that, I reckon, is where your Majesty’s friends went to the bottom.” The rest had only wild stories of islands inhabited by headless men, floating islands, waterspouts, and a fire that burned along the water. Only one, to Reepicheep’s delight, said, “And beyond that, Aslan country. But that’s beyond the end of the world and you can’t get there.” But when they questioned him, he could only say that he’d heard it from his father.
  Bern could only tell them that he had seen his six companions sail away eastward and that nothing had, ever been heard of them again. He said this when he and Caspian were standing on the highest point of Avra looking down on the eastern ocean. “I’ve often been up here of a morning,” said the Duke, “and seen the sun come up out of the sea, and sometimes it looked as if it were only a couple of miles away. And I’ve wondered about my friends and wondered what there really is behind that horizon. Nothing, most likely, yet I am always half ashamed that I stayed behind. But I wish your Majesty wouldn’t go. We may need your help here. This closing of the slave market might make a new world; war with Calormen is what I foresee. My liege, think again.”
  “I have an oath, my lord Duke,” said Caspian. “And anyway, what could I say to Reepicheep?”
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(一)  1—5 ACDAB 6—10 CDCCB 11—15 ACBDB  (二)  1—5 ABDBB 6—10 BACAD 11—15 BCDAB  (三)  1—5 CBBDC 6—10 CDCCD 11—15 DCDAB  (四)  1—5 BADBA 6—10 CCBAC 11—15 DADBC  (五)  1—5 ACBDB 6—10 CDABD 11—15 BCCAD  (六)  