初冬时节,南国大地风和日丽,记者有幸跟踪采访了广东省省级先进企业、96地方质量统检合格产品生产企业——广东省中山市美味鲜食品总厂。这个以生产酱油、调味品为主的国内知名企业,年生产酱油及调味品达5万吨,生产经营的品种有:生抽王、老抽王、鸡晶、蚝油、调味酱、腐乳、大红浙醋、花生油等约100余种产品,主导产品多次经技术监督部门抽查合格,其中美味鲜生抽王、美味鲜老抽王、美味鲜鸡晶及美味鲜蚝油1996年被中国保护消费者基金会授予“消费者信得过产品”称号。 科学的生产工艺、先进的生产设备、精良的检测手段、严格的质量管理,造就了高品质的美味鲜食品。近年来,该厂在国家
In the early winter season, the southern land was sunny and beautiful. The reporter had the privilege of tracking and interviewing provincial advanced enterprises in Guangdong Province and 96 local quality inspection and inspection qualified product manufacturers—Zhongshan Delicious Fresh Food Factory in Guangdong Province. This well-known domestic company, which produces soy sauce and condiments, produces 50,000 tons of soy sauce and condiments annually. Its production and operation varieties are: raw sowing king, old pumping king, chicken crystal, oyster sauce, sauce, fermented bean curd, and red About 100 kinds of products, such as vinegar and peanut oil, have been selected by the technical supervision department on a number of occasions, among which fresh delicious kings, tasty fresh kings, delicious fresh chicken crystals, and delicious fresh oyster sauces were protected by consumers in China in 1996. The Foundation awarded the title of “Consumer Trustworthy Products”. Scientific production technology, advanced production equipment, sophisticated detection methods, and strict quality management have created high-quality delicious fresh foods. In recent years, the plant is in the country