The rocks in Jinchuan Mine area have significant rheology and are extremely difficult to mine. Therefore, the creep characteristics of soft and complex ores in Jinchuan Mine III are studied. Creep test using RYL-600 computer-controlled rock shear rheometer, creep loading method using incremental incremental cycle loading and unloading, the test data analysis to consider the loading history of the rock specimen deformation, a true reflection of the rock test Pieces of their own rheological mechanical behavior, select the Burgers model reflects the rock creep characteristics. The results show that the creep test curve of ores in Jinchuan III mine is in good agreement with the theoretical curve, and Burgers creep model can better describe the creep characteristics of rock. By analyzing the deformation and failure characteristics and the failure modes of creep tests of five samples in Jinchuan III mine area, it is shown that the creep and failure modes of the soft and complex ores are complex under certain conditions, but there are also regularities. The samples are generally diagonally oriented There is a failure surface that runs through the entire rock sample; similar forms of destruction are found in the same type of rock. Different types of rock samples are damaged, and the destructive loads of the same samples are quite different.