中共宜良县委档案室,几年来一直重视健全归档制度,抓好文件材料的收集工作。从而使文书、档案工作有了起色,杜绝了文件的积压、丢失和泄密现象,保证了县委档案材料的完整,便于查找利用。现把他佣具体做法介绍如下: 1、县委书记传阅批办的文件,固定一个专用文件柜,由办公室文书处理人员经常负责清理,对未办完的文件暂时存放在柜里,作初步的分类整理;对已办完的文件收回归档。如果书记下乡或
Yaliang County Party Committee Archives, the past few years has been attached importance to a sound filing system, do a good job collecting documents and materials. So that instruments, files work has improved, put an end to the backlog of documents, loss and disclosure of the phenomenon to ensure that the county archives file integrity, easy to find and use. Now he commissioned specific practices are as follows: 1, the county party secretary circulated approved documents, fixed a dedicated filing cabinets, office clerks often responsible for cleaning up the file, not yet completed the file temporarily stored in the cabinet for preliminary classification Finishing; the documents have been recovered archived. If the secretary go to the countryside or