The Role of L1 in EFL Learners' Acquisition of Perfect Aspect

来源 :海外英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:catche
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Most EFL learners have difficulty during the process of second language acquisition,for they cannot output the available and appropriate grammatical form of target language.This article tends to clarity the acquisition of present aspect during second language acquisition.This paper also shows an analysis of the errors of the perfect aspect in EFL learners’language output.EFL learners have to spend much time understanding language transfer of L2,for it is a major cause of difficulties in the acquisition of English tense by EFL learners.The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the acquisition of present perfect tense.(1)Analyze f grammatical error of present perfect tense.(2)Illustrate the role of L1 in the acquisition of present perfect tense. Most EFL learners have difficulty during the process of second language acquisition, for they can not output the available and appropriate grammatical form of target language. This article tends to clarity the acquisition of present aspect during second language acquisition. This paper also shows an analysis of the errors of the perfect aspect in EFL learners'language output. EFL learners have to spend much time understanding language transfer of L2, for it is a major cause of difficulties in the acquisition of English tense by EFL learners. purpose of this paper is to illustrate the acquisition of present perfect tense. (1) Analyze f grammatical error of present perfect tense. (2) Illustrate the role of L1 in the acquisition of present perfect tense.
虫草 ,又叫冬虫夏草 ,素与人参、鹿茸齐名 ,为肉座菌科冬虫夏草菌寄生在鳞翅类昆虫幼虫上的菌座及幼虫躯体的干燥物。内含虫草酸、维生素B、脂肪、蛋白等 ,能治疗肺气虚和肺