Diagnosing intermittent fault is an important approach to reduce built-in test(BIT) false alarms. Aiming at solving the shortcoming of the present diagnostic method of intermittent fault, and according to the merit of support vector machines (SVM) which can be trained with a small-sample, an SVM-based diagnostic model of 3 states that include OK state, intermittent state and faulty state is presented. With the features based on the reflection coefficients of an alarm rate(AR) model extracted from small vibration samples, these models are trained to diagnose intermittent faults. The experimental results show that this method can diagnose multiple intermittent faults accurately with small training samples and BIT false alarms are reduced.
Diagnosing intermittent fault is an important approach to reduce built-in test (BIT) false alarms. Aiming at solving the shortcoming of the present diagnostic method of intermittent fault, and according to the merit of support vector machines (SVM) which can be trained with a small-sample, an SVM-based diagnostic model of 3 states that includes an OK state, an intermittent state and faulty state is presented. With the features based on the reflection coefficients of an alarm rate (AR) model extracted from small vibration samples, these The experimental results show that this method can diagnose multiple intermittent faults accurately with small training samples and BIT false alarms are reduced.