During the implementation of air traffic control, the complexity of intercity routes directly affects the formulation of protocols, the division of sectors and the reconstruction of navigation routes. In order to analyze the route structure more scientifically and accurately, this paper mathematically models civil aviation traffic flow and quantifies the mutual influence between traffic flows. The model algorithm is discussed in depth and the production process of formula is elaborated. Finally come to traffic flow calculation form. Taking the sector where ZHO is the most en route point in China as an example, this paper analyzes the extent to which each traffic flow affects each other. The results of the analysis have some reference significance for assessing the degree of busyness of the sector and the workload of controllers, and provide a reference tool for sector division and route structure reconstruction. The algorithm has been used by the Civil Aviation Beijing Regional Control Center to assess the growth of Hohhot Baita Airport flights to the extent of regional routes.