对河北省中南部地区麦田中所发生的4种蚜虫的寄生蜂复合体进行了调查,主要的初寄生蜂有燕麦蚜茧蜂、阿维蚜茧蜂、烟蚜茧蜂、菜蚜茧蜂、桃瘤蚜茧蜂、麦蚜茧蜂、细长径蚜茧蜂、翼蚜茧蜂及一种蚜外茧蜂。重寄生蜂有Aphidencyrtus sp Asaphes sp.,Chrips sp.,Dendrocerus sp及Pachyneuron sp.等5种。作者对这几种蚜茧蜂提供了一工作用检索表,并讨论了它们的寄主范畴,发生数量,生物学特性及利用它们进行小麦蚜虫生物防治的可能性等。
Four kinds of aphid parasitoids complex occurred in the middle and southern part of Hebei Province were investigated. The main parasitic wasps were Aphidius aphidius, Aphidius aphid, Aphidius avenae, Peach aphid Braconidae, wheat aphid Braconidae, slender Aphid Braconidae, wing aphid Braconidae and aphid Braconidae. The parasitoid bees Aphidencyrtus sp Asaphes sp., Chrips sp., Dendrocerus sp and Pachyneuron sp. 5 species. The authors provided a working search form for these species of aphid beetles and discussed their host categories, their occurrence, their biological characteristics, and the possibility of using them for the biological control of wheat aphids.