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  A million years ago, the world was much colder than it is now. Large parts of North America lay under ice and snow. Ice covered parts of Europe, Asia, and South America. In places it was a mile deep! We call this time the “Ice Age”. The Ice Age began long after the dinosaurs disappeared. It lasted thousands of years. It ended 10,000 years ago.
  The Neanderthals 尼安德特人
  Some of the earliest Ice Age people were the Neanderthals. Their fossils(化石)were first found in the Neander Valley in Germany. Neanderthals existed about 100,000 years ago. They lived in Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, and parts of Asia. The fossils tell us that Neanderthals were compact(矮小而健壮的)and muscular. They were about five feet six inches, tall and had thick bones. Their heads bulged(凸起;鼓起)slightly in the back. Their foreheads jutted out over their eyes. Neanderthals lived in caves or tents made of skins. They may have been the first people to wear clothes.
  Shanidar(沙尼達尔穴居人)was home to a group of Neanderthals in Iraq. Scientists have discovered Neanderthal skeletons(骨架)in a cave there. One skeleton has captured the scientists’ imaginations. He is called the “Old Man of Shanidar.”
  Homo Sapiens 智人
  As time passed, other people slowly replaced the Neanderthals. They were called Homo sapiens. They are our early relatives. In fact, people today are still called “Homo sapiens.”
  Gradually these people spread out all over the world. Their remains have been found in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America.
  The Cro-Magnon’s Life 克鲁马努人的生活
  A group of Homo sapiens who lived in Europe from 35,000 to 10,000 years ago were called the Cro-Magnon. They looked a lot like we do. They were skillful toolmakers and hunters. They made their own clothes. They wove ropes, nets, and clothes from plant fibers. They even made musical instruments.
  Houses 房屋
  In the winter, Cro-Magnon people didn’t move around much. Everyone lived in huts or longhouses made from mammoth(猛犸) bones, branches and hides(兽皮). When summer arrived, they left to follow the herds. Then they lived in tents made of animal hides. These were easy to move and set up.
  Hunting 捕猎
  Ice Age campsites(露营营地)tell us Cro-Magnons were good hunters. They made weapons out of bone, ivory(象牙), antler, stone and wood. They hunted with spears and knives. They also used bons and arrows. Hunting could be difficult. Sometimes hunters tracked an animal for days. Sometimes they trapped animals in swamps(沼泽地). If an animal attacked, they had only simple weapons to defend themselves. When the hunters returned, there was much to do. Nothing was wasted. Animals were not just for meat. Fur was peeled away from the ide. People used it for clothes or rugs to sleep and sit on Hides were dried and stretched for clothes, tents, packs and pouches. Cro-Magnon people even saved the bones and the fat. Bones supported their tents or held up roofs. They used animal fat to burn in stone lamps. It gave them light on dark, cold nights.   Diet 飲食
  Cro-Magnon people ate meat or fish whenever they could. Scientists think that reindeer provided much of their meat. When thy killed an animal, they ate almost every part. They even ate the brains and livers and tongues! Cro-Magnon cooked over open fires. Meat was often roasted on spits. Sometimes it was boiled. The cooks put the meat into leather pouches(皮质的袋子). Then they heated water by dropping hot stones into pots. Later they dried the leftover meat. They preserved it by rubbing salt into it. If it was icy, the ice acted like a freezer. They also gathered plants, berries, eggs, nuts and seeds. They picked dandelions(蒲公英)and all kinds of greens. They ate sunflower seeds and hazelnuts(榛子). They gathered plants or herbs like catnip(猫薄荷)of medicine.
  Clothing 衣物
  People in the Ice Age needed warm clothes. In the winter, they wore clothes and shoes made of furs and animal skins. They also wore belts, cloaks and warm hats. They sewed them together with needles made of bone or ivory. Many researchers think Cro-Magnon people wove clothes from plant fibers. They wore these lighter clothes during the summer.
1. (2019·湖北·鄂州)周末阳光明媚,小红和妈妈一同来到湖边散步,看到湖中柳影摇曳,鱼儿戏水。下列说法正确的是( )。  A. 看到的柳影是光的反射形成的实像  B. 看到的柳影是光的折射形成的虚像  C. 看到的鱼儿是光的反射形成的虚像  D. 看到的鱼儿是光的折射形成的虚像  2. (2019·湖南·株洲)能正确表示光从室外透过窗户玻璃进入室内传播的光路图是( )。     3. (
探究平面镜成像的特点实验一直是近年来各地中考的重点内容之一,其中平面镜成虚像更是许多同学的困惑所在。下面我们结合实验过程来谈一下平面镜成虚像的特点。   [实验要点]  探究平面镜成像的特点实验常考查以下几点内容:(1)观察平面镜成像特点时,要从放置点燃蜡烛的一侧,透过玻璃板观察点燃蜡烛的成像位置以及像的倒正、大小关系;(2)实验时必须让玻璃板与纸面垂直,否则无论怎样前后移动未点燃的蜡烛,其都不能
当日历翻到1月1日,便解锁了2021年。我们又重新掌握了365个崭新的日子,广阔的明天等待我们去填满,光亮的未来等待我们去创造。新的一年,让我们从头规划,重新开始。  唯有树立目标,才会未来可期。  规划人生,要“远视”,要着眼于未来。有了长远目标,我们就不会因眼前的得失或喜或忧,而是胸有大志,为了奔赴美好的梦想甘愿风雨兼程。新東方创始人俞敏洪前两次高考都失利了,但他没有放弃大学梦。第三年,他如愿
人们通常只看到他人获得的鲜花和掌声,却看不见他人付出的汗水。不用羡慕别人的成功,路是走出来的,感慨不如行动,汗水永远是获得成功的基石。  坚持让人生更有意义  J·亨利·费尔是美国一家公司的摄影师,一次,亨利听说一家化工厂附近经常有刺鼻的气味,住在附近的人纷纷抱怨。他决定到工厂实地考察,可是,他被拦在了工厂的大门外。不甘心的亨利经过一番乔装打扮后,跟着一辆垃圾车进入了化工厂。在工厂里,亨利发现了五
在古代,登高望远常常会引起士人的诸多感慨,如时光的流逝、仕途的坎坷、亲人的离合、民族的忧患……大诗人李白登上金陵凤凰台,面对滚滚长江,会产生怎样的情感呢?请读下面这首诗。   ■诗歌先读  登金陵①凤凰台  [唐]李 白  凤凰台上凤凰游,凤去台空江自流。   吴宫花草埋幽径,晋代衣冠②成古丘。  三山半落青天外,二水中分白鹭洲。   总为浮云能蔽日③,长安不见使人愁。  【注释】①金陵:六朝古
雪从《诗经》泛黄的纸页中深情款款地走来,雪在诗人笔下凝结成一首抒情诗,雪在湖心亭中渲染出一幅水墨画……“北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。”北方的雪景引人入胜,雪落江南又会是怎样一番景象呢?许杰的《雪落江南》一文运用多种修辞手法,为读者描绘出了一幅唯美的江南雪景图。下面就让我们一起去领略江南雪景的诗情画意吧!  【佳篇赏析】  雪落江南  许 杰  江南,是一
主持人:取与舍,是伴随人一生的选择题。在成长的不同阶段,每个人都面临取与舍的选择。取与舍对每个人都很重要,它决定了今后要走的路。有人懂得取舍,有人盲目取舍。该如何取、如何舍,你有怎样的认识和理解?请同学们畅所欲言。  [集思广益]   A.取与舍关乎人生。人生在不断的选择中度过,小到一顿饭的安排,大到未来的规划,每一个选择都需要有所取舍。选择不同,得到的结果就会不同。拾金之时,有人选择归还,舍
“穷”,有物质生活的穷困,也有精神世界的穷困。今天,我们就通过一个“穷”字,挖掘《故乡》《我的叔叔于勒》《麦琪的礼物》这三篇小说的主题,展开本期的群文阅读。  物质生活的穷困  《故乡》:“远近横着几个萧索的荒村”彰显了故乡经济的破败。贫穷几乎表现在小说里所有人的身上,“穷”在辛苦奔波的“我”、家里总是不够吃的闰土、连手套也要顺走的“豆腐西施”杨二嫂身上表现得淋漓尽致。为了生计辛苦奔波的“我”没有
每个人都有自己欣赏的人,这个人会或多或少地影响到你生活的某个方面。今天,我们就来学习用英文描述自己欣赏的那个人。  实用词汇  ★外貌概况  striking resemblance惊人地相似  attractiveness吸引力  youthful appearance年轻的外貌  good-looking好看的;美貌的  body build体格  well-dressed穿着考究的  unt
辞旧迎新,2021年来了,老师该换新手账了。手账这个词很时髦,它来自日本。记手账成了现在年轻人非常流行的一种文化。但如果换一个词,你会发现,无论是手账还是记手账,在中国早已流行,而且从古流传至今。其实,手账就是笔记本或者叫日记本,记手账说白了就是记日记。记日记这个习惯,不仅我们现代人有,古人也有,只不过他们记日记的形式可能和我们不同。  要说古人记的日记,老师可以简单举个例子,比如陆游的《十一月四