The Geotectonica et Metallogenia adopts a reference citation system in the form of author(s) plus publication year in the text, i.e., author (year) for single author, author 1 and author 2 (year) for two authors, or author 1 et al. (year) for authors of three and above. Here all authors generally refer only to their last names or family names no matter their nationalities. In regard to the list of references following the text, the format shall comply with the following general stipulations:
The Geotectonica et Metallogenia adopts a reference citation system in the form of author (s) plus publication year in the text, ie, author (year) for single author, author 1 and author 2 (year) for two authors, or author 1 et al. (year) for authors of three and above. Here all authors generally refer only to their last names or family names no matter their nationalities. In regard to the list of references following the text, the format shall comply with the following general stipulationsulations :