First, the United States state and local government finances and federal government finances The United States is a federal state. The United States Constitution has adopted the principle of limiting government and has taken the measure of decentralization to control the government. The so-called decentralization, that is, state government by the federal, state and local governments at three levels, the federal government and state governments each have their own constitution, the implementation of the separation of powers. The federal constitution, in principle, provides for the power of all levels of government, but the power to interpret authority is high. In the United States, there were states before and after that. The idea of state power was not only deeply rooted, but even considered supreme. Together with other historical, economic and political reasons, the struggle between states and the federal government to fight for power lasted a century and a half. The 19th century was the so-called era of “dual federalism.” Each state was an important force that constrained the power of the federal government.