
来源 :财经界(学术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:szcbg
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众所周知,事业单位是我国社会生活的组织者,在我国的政治、经济、文化建设中都发挥着不可忽视的作用,而财务预算管理又是事业单位财务管理的核心,再加之《新预算法》、《会计法》等相关制度规范的不断完善和规范使得事业单位的工作人员逐渐意识到了财务预算管理的重要作用,相应的,如何在单位内部构建有效的、实用性的财务预算管理体系也成为了业界人士重点关注的话题。所以本文以有效的提高事业单位财务预算管理工作的绩效为根本的出发点和落脚点,首先分析了在事业单位构建财务预算管理体系的必要性;其次,探究了如何在事业单位构建好财务预算管理体系;此外,阐述了在事业单位构建财务预算管理体系时应该注意的事项。以求能够在提高事业单位财务预算管理工作绩效的基础上促进单位实现更好更快的发展和进步。 As we all know, public institutions are the organizers of social life in our country and play an indispensable role in the political, economic and cultural construction of our country. The financial budget management is also the core of the financial management of public institutions. Coupled with the “new budget law” , “Accounting Law” and other related systems and standards continue to improve and standardize the making institutions of staff gradually aware of the important role of financial budget management, and accordingly, how to build an effective and practical financial budget management system within the unit has also become The industry’s key topic of concern. Therefore, in this paper, an effective starting point to improve the performance of the financial budget management institutions and the foothold, the first analysis of the necessity of building a financial budget management system in public institutions; second, to explore how to establish a good financial budget management institutions System; In addition, it expounds the matters that should be noticed when the public institution builds the financial budget management system. In order to be able to improve the unit’s financial budget management performance based on the work unit to promote better and faster development and progress.
问题图:日本十段战决赛第二局。张栩执黑胜高尾绅路。  白1飞后双方进入后半盘的争夺。此时黑棋该如何定型呢?  图一:本图是双方之前的进程。白1跳,3虎是轻灵的下法,双方在此达成了默契,似乎都对自己的后半盘信心十足。  图二:黑1补是很大的一手。但白2托让黑棋头疼。黑3外扳反击有些过分,白4以下可简单出棋。  图三:黑3内扳的话不仅局部目数损失较大。最讨厌的是角部还没有完全活净,以后恐怕还要被搜刮,
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