桃、李、梨、枣、板栗等落叶果树、必须加强头年冬季管理,才有来年的大丰收、其管理措施如下: 1.冬季整枝修剪果树上不必要的枝条应在冬季进行修剪,修剪时看树定形,当修剪成圆锥形的,就修剪成圆锥形,当修剪成自然开心形的,就修剪成自然开心形,不可强求划一,尽量保存结果枝。 2.深翻清园①清洁果园。冬季结合修剪全面清除果树虫枝、病枝、死枝、枯枝、落叶、杂草、枯蔸、烂果、僵果,集中带出园外烧毁,可消灭很多在这些地方过冬的病菌和害虫,减轻来年果树病虫发生。②深翻
Peach, plum, pear, jujube, chestnut and other deciduous fruit trees, must strengthen the first year of winter management, the harvest of the coming year, the management measures are as follows: 1. Winter pruning pruning fruit trees unnecessary branches should be pruned in winter, pruning When looking at the tree shape, when trimmed into a conical, trimmed into a conical shape, when trimmed into a natural happy shape, cut into a natural happy shape, can not be forced to uniform, try to save the results branch. Deep deep clearing garden ① clean orchard. Winter with pruning full removal of fruit trees, branches, dead branches, dead branches, deciduous trees, weeds, withered, rotten fruit, stiff fruit, concentrated out of the park burn, can eliminate many of these places in the winter of the germs and pests , Reduce the occurrence of fruit pests in the coming year. ② deep turn