A Stiffness Variable Passive Compliance Device with Reconfigurable Elastic Inner Skeleton and Origam

来源 :中国机械工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tenderboy
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Devices with variable stiffness are drawing more and more attention with the growing interests of human-robot interaction, wearable robotics, rehabilitation robotics, etc. In this paper, the authors report on the design, analysis and experiments of a stiffness variable passive compliant device whose structure is a combination of a reconfigurable elastic inner skeleton and an origami shell. The main concept of the reconfigurable skeleton is to have two elastic trapezoid four-bar linkages arranged in orthogonal. The stiffness variation generates from the passive deflection of the elastic limbs and is realized by actively switching the arrangement of the leaf springs and the passive joints in a fast, simple and straightforward manner. The kinetostatics and the compliance of the device are analyzed based on an effi-cient approach to the large deflection problem of the elastic links. A prototype is fabricated to conduct experiments for the assessment of the proposed concept. The results show that the prototype possesses relatively low stiffness under the compliant status and high stiffness under the stiff status with a status switching speed around 80 ms.
With the development of intelligent flexible manufacturing, traditional industrial manipulators with a single con-figuration are difficult to meet a variety of