中国一百多年来的文论和美学的历史 ,是古典文论和美学在外力冲击下内在机制发生质变、从而由“古典”向“现代”转换的历史 ,是现代形态的文艺学和美学 ,由旧的学术范型脱胎出来 ,萌生、成形、变化、发展的历史 ,即学术范型逐渐现代化的历史 (现在正处在这个现代化的历史过程之中 )。这是中国文论和美学历史性的转变和发展 ,也是近代以来中国文化危机中强制性的、从不自觉到自觉的选择
The history of literary theory and aesthetics in China over one hundred years is the history of the transformation of the internal mechanism under the impact of external forces by the classical literary theory and aesthetics, and thus from the “classical” to the “modern”, the modern form of literature and art and the aesthetics , The history born of the old academic paradigm, initiation, formation, change, and development, that is, the gradual modernization of the academic paradigm, which is now in the course of this modern history. This is the historical transformation and development of Chinese literary theory and aesthetics. It is also a compulsory part of the Chinese cultural crisis since modern times, and it has never been consciously consciously chosen