参企数量逐年增加 社会关注度不断提高 2010北京拍卖季开幕

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10月18日,2010北京拍卖季在北京荣宝斋大厦隆重开幕。中拍协张延华会长出席开幕式并讲话。“北京拍卖季”已连续成功举办了3届。据北拍协温桂华会长介绍,2010北京拍卖季自2010年10月至12月,历时3个月,以“加快北京拍卖市场发展,促进国际商贸中心建设”为活动主题。本届拍卖季参加企业数量达到83家,同比去年增加38 3%;计划举办文物艺术品和资产两大板块的拍卖会共280场次,同比去年增加1.2倍。2010北京拍卖季是历届拍卖 October 18, 2010 Beijing auction season in Beijing Rong Bao Zhai Building grand opening. In the film Association President Zhang Yanhua attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. “Beijing auction season ” has been successfully held for 3 sessions. According to the president of Beijing Academy of Photography, Wen Guihua introduced the 2010 Beijing auction season from October to December 2010 and took 3 months to “accelerate the development of the Beijing auction market and promote the building of an international business center” as its theme. The number of participating enterprises reached 83 in the current auction season, an increase of 38.3% over the same period of last year. There were 280 auctions of planned plans for two major sections of cultural relics and artworks and assets, an increase of 1.2 times over the previous year. 2010 Beijing auction season is the previous auction
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