Qingtian Washi, also known as Qingtian Stone, is a non-metallic mineral product managed by the building materials department. Among them, the green and transparent frozen stone is comparable to the Shoushan stone produced in Minhou, Fujian. According to its use, it can be divided into two kinds of industrial and carved stone wax, and industrial wax, also known as soft or hard wax. Color wax green, yellow gray, blue and white, purple brown, light brown and so on. According to the level of its aluminum content, it can be divided into three types of high-alumina, low-alumina, and low aluminum wax. The former two accounted for about 20-30% of the amount of mineral deposits; the lower aluminum waxes accounted for about 70-80%. The sculptured pumice stone is a type of pyrolyzed pyrophyllite with rich colors, exquisite texture, good transparency, uniform softness and brittleness, and no sand (quartz, vermiculite, chalcedony). It is generally only accounted for in pyrophyllite deposits. The total amount is about 2 to 5%.