“五·四”运动中 ,梁启超的主要表现是 :监督政府 ,游说民众 ;传播消息 ,揭露真相 ;讲学办学 ,宣传文化。这些表现为“五·四”运动的爆发提供了导火索 ,为“五·四”运动时期的新文化运动的发展起到了重要的促进作用。
During the “May 4” Movement, Liang Qichao’s main performances were: supervising the government and lobbying for the people; disseminating information and exposing the truth; and giving lectures and running schools and propaganda and culture. These performances have provided a catalyst for the outbreak of the “May 4” Movement and played an important role in promoting the development of the New Culture Movement during the “May 4” Movement.