旧政治体制酿成党政不分,非改不行。这已日益成为广大政工干部的共同认识,他们积极投身到改革的大潮中去,为建设新的政治体制贡献自己的力量。然而,对于某些政治工作者来说,要实现这一转变,又或许是一件痛苦的事情。 1987年上半年,作为沈阳市政治体制改革试点企业之一的沈阳合金厂,开始酝酿改革方案。政工人员中有些同志担忧:精简已成定局,是走是留,走向何方,都是未知数。社会上有些人把政工人员视为“累赘”,有的电影里也把政工人员当作反派角色,似乎只会“耍嘴皮子”。精简到基层,难免让人说三道四。旧体制酿成的苦酒,真是难以下咽…… 现实,确实把我们的政治工作者推到了改革的前沿,他们首当其冲。
The old political system leads to party and government regardless, non-reform can not. This has increasingly become the common understanding of the majority of political cadres who are actively involved in the tide of reform and contribute their own strength to building a new political system. However, for some political workers, it may be a painful thing to make this transition happen. In the first half of 1987, Shenyang Alloy Plant, one of the pilot enterprises in Shenyang’s reform of the political system, began to deliberate on the reform plan. Some comrades in the political circles worry that simplification is a foregone conclusion and that it is not yet known whether it will be left or where it will go. Some people in the community regard political workers as “cumbersome”. In some movies, they also use political workers as villains and they seem to only “pet.” Streamlined to the grassroots, it is inevitable to make irrational. The old system of bitter wines is really hard to swallow ... The reality does push our political workers to the forefront of the reforms, and they bear the brunt.