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为满足云南电网公司全面创先工作开展,云南电网公司组织了创先战略落地全过程监控的研究,为省公司各级电力应用人员提供了创先战略地图全过程监控的应用导向。该平台基于创先战略地图,全面覆盖全省5万多员工。本文介绍了创先战略地图全过程监控研究中的分块研究,包括分层分级过程监控研究(省-地-县-所),横向关联与纵向局-县-所三级分解汇总机制,绩效考核机制。该平台为云南电网公司全面创先工作提供了强有力的信息化及设计架构支撑。 In order to meet the needs of Yunnan Power Grid Corporation, a comprehensive study of Yunnan Power Grid Corporation was conducted. Yunnan Power Grid Corporation organized a study on the monitoring of the entire process of establishing a strategic landing site and provided application guidance for the entire process monitoring of Chuangshi strategy map for provincial power utility personnel at all levels. The platform based on a strategic first map, covering more than 50,000 people across the province. This paper introduces the sub-block research in the whole process monitoring and management of Chuangshi strategy map, including the research on the monitoring of the hierarchical classification process (province-prefecture-county), the horizontal association and vertical bureau-county-level three decomposition and aggregation mechanism, the performance Assessment mechanism. The platform for Yunnan Power Grid Corporation to create a full-scale work provides a powerful information and design architecture support.
1992年以来,我科使用CPAP—Ⅰ型氧疗器(Continus Positive Airway Pressure简称CPAP)抢救小儿呼吸衰竭,取得了满意的疗效。现报告如下: 一般资料: 共抢救患儿36例,其中男21例
<正>The story of ice cream began a long, long time ago in a most beautiful place. It began over 3,000 years ago in China. Lots of cool things were invented in C