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在产品和工件上做标记,是金属加工和机器制造工业中的重要环节,应象每个加工工序一样予以重视。例如,钢材的加工和供应需要标记,以便能向用户或仓库提供级别、型号正确的钢材。另外,如果有问题,也可按标记追溯到发生问题的工序。目前,在金属工业中所采用的标记方法很多。如手工打印、压印、滚印、雕印、蚀刻和腐蚀等等。这种直接在工件上打印的方法要比贴标签好得多,它不易脱落遗失,也比油漆和墨水写的耐久。用手工打印,既费时间也费劳力,字迹的对中性不好,深浅 Marking of products and workpieces is an important link in the metalworking and machine building industries and should be given the same attention as each process. For example, the processing and supply of steel need to be marked so that the correct grade and type of steel can be supplied to the user or warehouse. In addition, if there is a problem, you can also trace the mark to the process in which the problem occurred. At present, there are many ways of marking in the metal industry. Such as manual printing, stamping, printing, engraving, etching and corrosion and so on. This method of printing directly on the workpiece is much better than labeling, it is not easy to peel off, and is also more durable than paint and ink. Use manual printing, both time-consuming and laborious, poor writing of neutral, depth
INTRODUCTION The material which forms the present study is collected by Messrs.H. M. Meng, K. Chern and T. Ho from the village of Hopachung, near Kochiu,Yunnan
INTRODUCTION The fossil plants forming the subject of this paper were collected byMessrs.C.S.Pien~1 and H.H.Lee of the geological Survey of China in 1943.The c
Advancing the Rule of LawThe Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China(CPC)was held in Beijing on October 20-23.The r
青山逶迤风景秀丽的莲花湖,是旅游者的天堂,更是钓鱼人梦想的家园。尽管岁月沧桑,但总也淹没不去历史的痕迹。人文景观和民俗风情令旅游者和钓鱼人趋之若鹜,魂牵梦绕…… Ca
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