看了今年第5期登载的方玉丰同志写《最简单的彩电升级方法》一文后,有几点疑问,请指教。 (1)用G47C433芯片代替TMP47C433AN3849芯片,原芯片外围电路回路是否要改动? (2)原存储器TC89101P芯片是否更换?若不更换,能否存储90个频道。 (3)G47C433芯片管脚功能定义是否与TMP47C433AN3849芯片一样?该芯片哪里可以买到?是否带I~2C总线控制? (4)贵刊今年第4期赵金林所作《加装增补高频头后的几点经验与体会》一文,与上文有类似的观点。能否请有经验的作者详细介绍加装增补高频头及调整方法;旧彩电升级方面详细文章?
After reading the fifth issue of this year, Comrade Fang Yufeng wrote “the simplest way to upgrade the color TV,” a few questions, please enlighten. (1) Replace the TMP47C433AN3849 chip with the G47C433 chip, do the original chip peripheral circuits need to be changed? (2) Is the TC89101P chip of the original memory replaced? If it is not replaced, can it store 90 channels? (3) G47C433 chip pin function definition is the same with the TMP47C433AN3849 chip? Where can I buy the chip? With I ~ 2C bus control? (4) Your fourth edition of this year Zhao Jinlin made “after the installation of additional tuner Some experience and experience, ”a text, similar to the above point of view. Can please have the author of the detailed introduction of retrofitting additional tuner and adjustment methods; the old TV upgrade a detailed article?